WM Extension Project in Chennai, India.

One of my most recent trips, this time to Chennai, India, also my first time in Asia, far... far away from home!.

This time, we supported a ramping-up in production for this facility in Chennai, specifically in the Receiving & Shipping docks, thus resulting in a Warehouse Extension.

I was particularly sent to asses the capacity of the plant to tackle the increase in volume & material, customer specific shipping labels, VDA formats & Inventory Management capabilities, proposed and designed a bin location system that had been previously implemented on another plant (Skopje) that worked flawlessly, I also designed and developed a web application that would create and print customer labels that came into the plant with a damaged or unexistent label from customer fro the raw material.

Caught a terrible lung infection during this trip, so had to take myself to a local hospital for a medical examination, I lost a couple of working days the last week before traveling home, luckily I was almost in perfect shape the day before my first flight, so made it home safely after 3 days of traveling, and just in time for holidays!.

Met a lot of people during this business travel, I can say that Indian people are one of the most nicest and friendly people I have ever met, would definitely like to go back, but this time for a good earned vacation.


  • Global WM

  • December, 2024

Chennai, formerly known as Madras, is the capital and largest city of Tamil Nadu, the southernmost state of India. It is located on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal.